Take our Quiz to uncover the keys to understanding your relationship stance, your greatest gifts, and your life's themes. Plus you'll see which shadow pattern you tend to get caught in most. Take this 20-question quiz and get instant access to your Free Summary Profile.
"Bryan & Jennifer's belief that we can all live extraordinary love stories has been a golden key that helped unlock one of the greatest treasure troves. For the past 6 years I've fallen deeper and deeper in love with the woman of my dreams. I've gone down the relational rabbit hole they not only pointed to but also provided a map for, and the results are nothing less than an experience of heaven on earth."
“I’ve spent multi-hour sessions with them and it was very unifying. They have this uncanny ability to really allow you to see your partner’s perspectives and have your partner see yours. I saw a whole new way of doing love—got a whole new set of distinctions, new ideas, and new ways of seeing things. These are a couple of the best in the world.”
Take it on your own to learn more about yourself OR take it with a romantic partner, business colleague, family member, or friend to understand the relationship dynamics going on between you. You can retake this quiz anytime with the people you interact with most.
Gain personalized insights about your strengths and gifts while uncovering which of the 8 toxic cycles you get caught in most to help you understand yourself and the people you interact with most. Access a 50+ page profile and a 24 Lesson Step by Step Guide.
Gain practical relationship skills for building stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling relationships. This Relationship Dynamics Profile analyzes 24 key areas, 8 relational gifts and 8 shadow patterns to help you learn how to be a better partner. Unlock your profile to get remedies and skills to help you.
Take this Quiz and you'll get your FREE Relationship Dynamics Report and, learn more about how to unlock your full Profile (60+ pages) which includes a step by step 24-lesson course to help you learn about yourself, your loved ones and build the skills to create stronger, healthier, more lasting love.
Romantic Partners
Business Colleagues
Family Members
Learn how your greatest relationship gifts positively impact the people you interact with and which of the 64 stances you tend to use most in your relationship. Feel caught in a loop having the same argument again and again? Are you wanting to find an exit strategy out of those patterns? This profile will tell you what you might be doing to predictable polarize others and also how you might be inspiring the people around you too.
There is a companion online course that comes along with your profile that provides a step-by step guide that can help point the way to healing that toxic cycle permanently.
Learn how your gift of positively impacts your most important relationships and how to communicate effectively with people who might not share your gift. Feel caught in a loop of ? This step-by step guide points the way to healing that toxic cycle permanently.
Discover which of the 4 different qualities 8 different styles make up your communication profile and get a detailed decision making profile to explore how your natural tendencies likely make some situations easy for you to navigate while others you might find more challenging.
Once you’ve learned your communication style, you can watch out for the common pitfalls and shadows that crop up for you and how to use your unique gifts to make sure communication and decision making with you is always clear, impactful, and effective.
Learn about explicit, implicit, reactive, and repressive communication styles and how your natural tendencies make some situations easy for you to navigate and others more challenging. Once you’ve learned your communication style, you can watch out for the common pitfalls and use your unique gifts to make sure communication with you is always clear, impactful, and effective.
How do you handle stress in your relationships? Learn which of the 8 ways people are conditioned to handle stress and how it shows up in your posture, gestures, arguments and emotions. Learn what you do to compensate and protect yourself physically and emotionally when this happens and how others tend to perceive you when you do.
Learn how you can regulate your nervous system, release stress, and restore yourself to a more resourced state so you can show up for your partner as your best self.
How do you handle stress in your relationships? Learn which of the 8 distinct ways we tend to become conditioned to handle these stresses and how they show up in your posture, gestures, patterns of tension, and which emotions tend to get repressed or expressed. Learn how you can regulate your nervous system, release stress, and restore yourself to a more resourced state.
Most conflicts never get resolved. The period of tension and upset may pass and apologies may be offered and even accepted, but unless the conflict is fully resolved, resentment often lives on. This profile will look at your top 2 goto strategies that you use when you are upset and in conflict.
We'll also look at how you tend to help resolve situations between yourself and others as we look at what comes naturally to you and also what might be a growth edge for you. If you upgrade to the course, you'll discover the 5 essential phases of conflict resolution and how your current conflict strategies might be polarizing your interactions in predictable ways. Get the key to developing the missing phases to permanently resolve your conflicts.
Most conflicts never get resolve - the period of tension and upset may pass and apologies may be offered and even accepted, but unless the conflict is fully resolved, a pocket of resentment often lives on. We’ve identified 5 important stages of any successful conflict resolution process for it to fully resolve. Learn how your current conflict strategies might be polarizing your interactions in predictable ways and which of these stages you might develop to more permanently resolve your conflicts.
You can take this with a family member, business colleague, or friend too but if you choose to profile a romantic partner (current or former), you'll unlock 6 qualities that are part of identifying your particular romantic profile.
Learn more about what kind of attraction strategies you tend to use and what natural skills you bring to your romantic relationships and also any shadow patterns that you might get caught in that could be causing you to either lose the spark or create unwanted friction for you and your partner. Learn the strengths and blindspots of your style to create more passion and attraction with your partner.
Learn more about what kind of attraction strategies you tend to use and what natural skills you bring to your romantic relationships and also any shadow patterns that you might get caught in that could be causing you to either lose the spark or create unwanted friction for you and your partner.
If you decide to upgrade to receive our profile and the companion tsep by step course you’ll receive the most comprehensive relationship profile we've ever seen along. with the 24 lesson Mastering Your Relationship Dynamics Course that will help guide you step by step into understanding yourself and and whoever you profiled turning that knowledge into practice. Learn what will work best for your specific relationship.
You’ll receive one of the most COMPREHENSIVE profiles ever created of the dynamics that are most active in your relationships right now. It’s been custom built for you, with detailed commentary on each section of your profile. Make 2025 your best relationship year yet! Not all are created equal. Learn what will work best for your specific relationship.
Your upgraded profile includes a 24 Lesson course that will walk you through understanding your full profile step by step. Gain a deeper understanding of the relationship gifts you bring to your partner, to your decision-making and even your parenting along with identifying, your primary needs and even your biggest doubts and fears. You can't change what you don't understand.
Your upgraded profile includes a 24 Lesson course that will walk you through understanding your profile step by step. Gain a deeper understanding of the relationship gifts you bring to your partner, to your decision making and even to your parenting along with identifying, your primary, needs, the themes you tend to explore, and even your biggest doubts and fears.
Together Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin have done over 30,000 paid coaching sessions and have led 20+ years of impactful transformational courses, retreats, and programs incorporating the best of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), the human potential movement, family systems, attachment theory, parts work, collaborative systems, evolutionary psychology, spiral dynamics, spiritual practices, and sacred theater. They’ve analyzed thousands of relationship fights and have developed a comprehensive Relationship Dynamics Profile and a unique Perfect Vision Conflict Resolution process that’s famous for rewriting relational patterns and permanently resolving conflicts.
Access To The Community: Discussions & Support
Your Relationship Stance: Which of the 64 are you?
Your Shadow Stance: Which of the 64 do you get caught in?
Your Results Summary: Get your Scores in 18 Categories
Explore The Primary Relationship Gift You Bring
Find Out Your Top Relationship Qualities & Strengths
See Your Shadow Qualities & The History Behind Them
Get Our Guide To How To Understand Your Results
The Ring Of Resolution: What are we fighting about?
Learn Which Shadow Patterns You Get Caught In
Explore Your Primary & Secondary Life’s Themes
Discover Whether Your Reference Is Internal vs Exteral
Learn Your 4 Tendencies: Your Values & What You Admire
Your 4 Sensitivities: What Side You Taken In Conflict
Explore Your Primary & Secondary Needs
Uncover Your Primary & Secondary Doubts & Fears
Explore Your Primary & Secondary Triggers
Discover Your Energetic Profile: It’s Gifts & Shadows
Analysis Of Your Communication Profile Gifts & Shadows
Analysis Of Your Decision Making & How You Collaborate
Discover Your Primary & Secondary Toxic Cycle Remedies
Learn How To Develop Better Communication
Understand Ways To Improve Your Decision Making
Understand How To Remedy Your Toxic Cycles
Discover Your Unique Resolution Strategy to End Conflict
Get A Set of 6 Personalized Relationship Skills To Develop
A 10-Chapter Owner’s Manual: How To Partner With You
24 Explainer Videos To Help You Understand Your Profile
A 60+ Chapter Personalized Audiobook: Listen On The Go
23 Practices & Practical Tools To UpgradeYour Relating
Special Discounts That MORE Than Pay For The Upgrade
Permanent Relationship Breakthrough Course
8xLive Interactive Calls with Bryan & Jennifer
Learn How to Permanent Resolve Your Conflicts
Get (and give) support with a vibrant network of people who are committed to have extraordinary relationships
Learn more about yourself and your partner by connecting with others with similar gifts & shadows
Get support and new perspectives on a challenge or sticking point
Connect with the kinds of people you’d most want to share a transformational journey
We often call the patterned ways we respond that can be repeated enough that they form aspects of our personality a ‘Relationship Stance’. These stances describe how the body, beliefs & our behaviors adapt to what’s around us.
There are 8 primary relational gifts that combine to form these 64 stances (The Visionary, The Zen Master, The Guardian, The Empath, The Free Spirit, The Devotee, The Provocateur, & The Collaborator)
We often call the patterned ways we respond that can be repeated enough that they form aspects of our personality a ‘Relationship Stance’. These stances describe how the body, beliefs & our behaviors adapt to what’s around us.
There are 8 primary relational shadows that combine to form these 64 shadow stances (The Tyrant, The Denier, The Prosecutor, The Pleaser, The Narcissist, The Beggar, The Addict, The Martyr)
Your Results summary will show you your rankings and scores in over 18 different categories including:
Rankings of Your 8 Relationship Gifts & 8 Shadows
Your Scores For The 8 Communication & Decision Making Qualities, 6 Romantic Qualities & Your Energetic Profile
Your Scores For The 4 Tendencies and 4 Sensitivities
Your 2 Life Themes & Your Internal vs External Reference
Your Primary & Secondary Toxic Cycle & Their Remedies* &
What your Conflict & Resolution Strategies* are
Which 2 Primary Needs, Triggers, Biggest Fears & Doubts
There is an opportunity to embrace your darker side and illuminate what might be responsible for repeating some undesirable patterns.
Uncover both primary and secondary shadow qualities that might emerge when you feel threatened or disconnected
Learn to identify the signs that you are slipping into your shadow patterns and the childhood history at play that tends to form this pattern
Gain insights on how these shadows influence your reactions and how others perceive you during challenging times.Use this newfound knowledge to navigate challenges, improve self-awareness, and enhance the quality of your connections with others
Learn about your primary relationship gifts and strengths that are vital to creating a healthy long lasting relationship.
Learn about the core essence of this gift and how this gift relates to the deepest impulses, desires, & values you hold
Recognize what’s easy for you that might be harder for others, which can show you what others find is special about being in a relationship with you
In addition, access your secondary gift and a mind map of it’s qualities so you can see how these two blend together to form a fuller picture of what people tend to love and admire most about you
See a mind map of both your primary and secondary qualities that are also likely strengths you bring to your relationship.
Learn how you are positively impacting the people you interact with and what they tend to see in you
Uncover the primary and secondary qualities that might emerge when you are safe, secure and the most yourself
If you take this profile with someone else, have them share theirs with you so you can see which
The results you receive are not intended to be used as a ‘Typing’ system. Many typing systems describe our identity in a more fixed and one dimensional way. It may be tempting to think of the results in this report as meaning something about you that is unchangeable. We believe that the best way to enter into an evolutionary relationship is to realize that our identities and the strategies and stances we most often take are actually much more moldable, flexible and able to evolve than they may appear. This profile is meant to give you a window into how you are predominantly showing up in your relationships right now. It is a current snapshot of the most prevalent relational dynamics that are present.
Our goal in creating this body of work is to raise our collective ‘Relational Quotient’ (RQ) so that we are all more able to create and maintain conscious healthy relationships ongoingly.
The measure of the consciousness and health of a relationship, and a person’s ability to create and maintain health in their relationships.
It’s common knowledge that the source of conflict in love relationships is rarely the “surface issue,” but what are we really fighting about?
After studying thousands of relationships we discovered that, at the deepest level, there are actually a finite number of fights we are having. Even though we are each complex and unique, the underlying dynamics that are keeping us at odds with each other can be categorized into one of only 8 unique conflicts.
We call these conflicts Toxic Cycles because when each person’s behavior is caught up in one of these cycles, they tend to polarize one another into a predictable and directly oppositional position, unwittingly inviting others to continue the cycle rather than resolve it. Just like positively and negatively charged magnets, the presence of a strong charge on one side will attract and amplify a strong charge on the opposite side. Discover the 8 conflicts that are at the root of nearly all relational conflict.
Warning Label: This information will point at your
In the shadow patterns section there is an opportunity to embrace your darker side and illuminate what you might want to work on. While there’s a lot of great news in this report that your ego will enjoy, this profile would be less useful without some of the shadow elements that are at the root of what might be creating conflict and strife in your relationships.
We believe it is a deeply worthwhile process to uncover these shadow patterns and see them with clear, honest, and understanding eyes.
You will explore several major life themes that are often areas of purpose and focus.
Dive deep into the most prevalent themes that shape and drive your life. What do they reveal about your purpose, passions, and motivations
Recognize the overarching narratives of your life, providing clarity and direction as you navigate the complexities of personal connections.
Learn how to harness these themes to not just inspire yourself but uplift and empower those around you, shaping the impact you have on those around you.
You will discover the unique power of having an External or Internal
Reference and empower yourself with new ways to broaden your experience and appreciate differences in how we experience ourselves and our relationships.
Learn about your deepest motivations and desires
Understand where you draw your sense of identity and validation
Uncover how your frame of reference defines your interactions, reactions, and relationships
Understand your areas of growth based on this unique relationship lens
Delve into your relational tendencies and the unique ways that you approach relationships
Discover how you polarize towards certain values in relationships and how that impacts your perception of what is "right" and "good" in your interactions
See the patterns in the qualities you most admire in others and might want to cultivate in yourself. Recognize these attributes and appreciate the balance they can bring in healthy relationships
Understand the opposing polarities within your relationship tendencies to appreciate the diversity of human connection and expand your relational toolkit
Ever felt like your reactions in conflicts are on repeat? Discover the predictable patterns that emerge from your sensitivities, and gain insights into how to break free from these cycles.
Learn more about your 4 Sensitivities: The areas that might trigger or irritate and create predictable patterns in your relationships
Trust, boundaries, and intimacy: Explore the core values and beliefs that drive your relationship dynamics. Learn to distinguish between genuine boundaries and tests
Embracing all sides of the coin: Learn how emphasizing one value can influence and polarize those around you, and how embracing a balanced perspective can lead to richer, more fulfilling relationships
Learn about your primary relationship gifts and explore the qualities you tend to bring most that are vital to creating a relationship healthy, strong, & vibrant.
Learn about the core essence of this gift when its expressed fully & purely and how they relate to the deepest impulses, desires, & values you hold
Recognize what might be easy for you but might be harder for others, which can show you how it might feel special to be in a relationship with you
In addition you’ll access your secondary gift and a mind map of it’s qualities so you can see how these two blend together to form a fuller picture of what people tend to love and admire most about you.
Address your biggest doubts and fears. It can be incredibly soothing just to have your doubts and fears acknowledged. In this section we'll go beyond that and show you the positive intention behind these doubts and fears and explore ways you can befriend or even transcend them
Unveil the core doubts and fears that may unconsciously drive many of your behaviors and decisions in relationships
Explore the protective mechanisms you've crafted over time and see how they serve or hinder your connection with others
Discover how specific patterns can both protect & isolate you
Recognize the impact of these patterns on others and gain insights on how to channel them constructively
Dive deep into understanding what sets you off. By recognizing your primary and secondary triggers, you'll be better equipped to navigate those challenging moments in your relationships.
Identify the specific scenarios or responses from others that can push your buttons and learn why
Understand how your unique stance in relationships shapes your reactions to certain situations and behaviors
Gain insights into the deeper desires and needs you seek when triggered, allowing you to address issues more constructively
We'll dive into the layers of your energetic profile and through understanding them, you can make the unconscious impact you have more conscious.
Discover the dynamics that arise from your communication style.
Learn about explicit, implicit, reactive, and repressive
communication styles and how your natural tendencies make some situations easy for you to navigate and others more challenging
Reveal how your natural communication strengths shape conversations and drive deeper connections
In the shadow section you’ll explore the common pitfalls you may find yourself in and how your communication style is experienced by others
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
Examine the ways you approach decisions and collaborations
Explore the nuances of your unique style and how it shapes your day-to-day choices
Discover your personalized decision-making style and learn if you're more intuitive or considered, directive or collaborative
Explore your decisions and the interplay between your primary and secondary decision-making strengths & shadows
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
Even the healthiest relationships can have toxic cycles. You’ll learn what a toxic cycle is and discover which 2 you tend to get caught in most.
Learn about toxic cycles and how your natural response might be predictably polarizing your partner into perpetuating them
Uncover the root causes of repetitive, unhealthy patterns in relationships, and discover how these patterns can cause disconnection
Recognize your tendencies within these toxic cycles and understand how your actions and reactions can unintentionally perpetuate them
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
Includes a personalized analysis of the primary & secondary remedies to use to make sure your communication is always clear, impactful & effective
Learn how you can help shape conversations and drive deeper connections
Discover how embracing the value being held by others on the opposite side of your polarity can create better communication
Practice and get feedback from someone you trust about how your communication is impacting them as you incorporate what you learn
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
Discover a personalized analysis of your primary and secondary decision making style to help shift the dynamics
Learn to navigate challenges and capitalize on your inherent strengths with these personalized remedies
Recognize areas of growth in your decision-making process that they truly resonate with your innermost desires and values.
Fine-tune your approach with actionable remedies tailored to you specifically
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
We’ve identified 8 relationship values that are central to remedying nearly all relationship conflicts and you’ll get personalized analysis of the primary and secondary remedies we recommend you bring to exit these cycles:
Learn effective strategies to break free from these cycles as you discover the fastest path to remedying them.
Identify what behaviors you can do to have your partner begin to instantly shift the dynamic and start to understand your perspective
Transform them into healthier interactions, fostering a deeper understanding and stronger bond in your relationships.
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
You’ll be equip you with essential knowledge to help you understand how to permanently resolve your conflicts through the 5 R’s of Resolution.
Unlock the 5 Stages of Conflict Resolution and experience a transformation in how you perceive and approach conflicts.
Master personalized resolution strategies. Immerse yourself in tailor-made strategies that cater specifically to your unique relationship stance.
Forge path to genuine forgiveness and complete resolution allowing for healing and the re-establishment of trust.
NOTE: PDF profile only contains gift & shadow sections. Upgrade to
the Course to unlock full profile with analysis, remedies & practices.
You will learn 6 of the most relevant Relationship Skills which will help you enhance the quality and depth of your relationships.
Unlocking past patterns: Step back in time to decode the dynamics that may have shaped your relational journey
Enhance your toolbox: Learn which relationship skills perfectly complement your unique relationship stance.
See your areas of growth and discover 3 potent skills that are the ones that you may specifically need to upgrade your relationships.
NOTE: PDF profile does not contain this section. Upgrade to the Course to unlock full analysis, remedies & practices.
Ever wanted an owner’s manual that you could give others that could re-code exactly how to relate to you. If you upgrade to the course, you’ll have just that.
Let others know how to love you most, how best to communicate and collaborate with you
Give them personalized strategies to soothe you when you are triggered and to know what you need most when things are challenging
Help them appreciate your greatest gifts and what you bring that has them admire you most
NOTE: PDF profile does not contain the Owners Manual on How To Partner. Upgrade to the Course to unlock it.
For those with the course you can access 24 explainer videos to walk you step by step through your profile.
Each lesson begins with a video that helps you understand more about this profile and the various lessons we’ve included
These videos will help explain how the course works and how to get the most out of participating with it
For the visual and auditory learners this is a great way to get introduced to each lesson
NOTE: PDF profile does not contain videos. Upgrade to the Course to unlock the ability to watch all the
video content.
When you upgrade to the course, we’ve included a personalized 60+ chapter audiobook of your complete profile when you upgrade to the course.
Listen to a unique audiobook of your profile tailored to your results
You can increase the playback speed, download the audios, and listen on the go
Learn all about yourself and the person you’ve profiled and let them listen to the 10-section OWNERS MANUAL: How To Partner With You, anytime you like!
NOTE: PDF profile does not contain any audios or this personalized audiobook. Upgrade to the Course to unlock this feature.
Gaining insight is a monumental first step, but real transformation emerges when you act upon it. Each lesson is paired with a unique practice designed to make a tangible impact.
While the lessons provide the theory, the Relationship Dynamics Practices are where the magic happens. As you uncover insights remember, it's those daily tweaks in your approach that truly make the difference.
They're the bridge from understanding to application. Cross it and discover a world of difference as they can become a turning point to reshape your relational world.
NOTE: PDF profile only does not contain any remedies or practices or tools. Upgrade to the Course to unlock these 20+ practices and the full profile with personalized analysis and remedies
You’ll get access to discounts on future courses and products that will more than pay for this course.
100% of what you spend on this course you’ll receive in discounts towards our Permanent Relationship Breakthrough and our next 4-Day Evolving Love Retreat.
You’ll also be the first to know about future offerings so you can get the early bird price.
NOTE: PDF profile does not contain this section. Upgrade to the Course to unlock full analysis, remedies & practices.
Join relationship experts Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell for an 8-session online event. Come join a journey of self-discovery that will help you develop 8 key skills that will transform your relationships putting it all into practice.
You'll learn how to rewrite one of your patterns and resolve one of your conflicts permanently with the unique 5-Step Perfect Vision Process
Master the art of regulation, empathy, tracking, & deescalating
Learn what you are already doing naturally + what you might be leaving out
NOTE: You get the FULL Profile + Mastering Your Relationship Dynamics Course + Live Online Permanent Breakthrough Course
When you upgrade to the breakthrough course, you’ll be able to bring your most persistent conflicts and patterns to our live calls.
Receive personalized and comprehensive insights during our interactive calls to more fully understand yourself and those you are relating to now
Find out how to make sure your past conflicts don’t come back to haunt you
Put everything you learned from your Profile into practice so that you can be an even better partner, collaborator, family member, or friend.
NOTE: You get the FULL Profile + Mastering Your Relationship Dynamics Course + Live Online Permanent Breakthrough Course
When you upgrade to the course, we’ve included a personalized 60+ chapter audiobook of your complete profile when you upgrade to the course.
Diagnose what to do when you get triggered and how to communicate more effectively
Learn how to reinterpret your blind spots and create a new narrative for your relationship
Learn how to express your needs, commit to a new future, release resentment and fully forgive
NOTE: You get the FULL Profile + Mastering Your Relationship Dynamics Course + Live Online Permanent Breakthrough Course
The Relationship Dynamics Profile is a comprehensive 24 section profile that analyzes your responses to the 20+ questions in our quiz to calculate which of the 8 primary gifts and which of the 8 primary shadow patterns you tend to bring most to your relationships. Some of the sections included are:
Your Primary Gifts & Primary Shadow Patterns and a special video Transmission
Your Relationship Qualities & Shadow Qualities and their Relationship Qualities Mind Maps
Your 2 Life's Themes & whether you are more Internally or Externally Referenced and how that motivates you
Your Communication & Decision Making Profiles that dive deeply into any pitfalls you might get caught in
Your Erotic & Energetic Profiles to see how you impact the space, how you express or repress emotions and what kind of lover you are (note: only displayed if you selected to profile with a romantic partner)
Your 2 Toxic Cycles & Primary Triggers that you might commonly get caught in
Your 2 Primary Needs & 2 Biggest Doubts & Fears that you tend to have that create sensitivities
Your 2 Conflict Styles that show you where you tend to go first when you are challenged
Your 4 Tendencies & 4 Sensitivities that indicate what you admire most in others and also what you tolerate least
PLUS....(Course ONLY)
6 Relationship Skills to develop & the likely Relationship History you have that might be impacting you currently
Remedies for your Communication & Decision Making Shadows you can implement for the shadow patterns you get caught in
Remedies for your Erotic & Energetic Shadows to help you regulate and handle overwhelm and show up as a better lover
Remedies for your Toxic Cycles & Primary Triggers to help you have an exit ramp out of those cycles
Remedies for your Primary Needs & Biggest Doubts & Fears to help you understand what's at the root
Your Resolution Strategy tailored for you through our 5-Part Process so you can de-escalate & resolve things
Your 10 Part Owners Manual for How to Best Partner With You that you can share with others to help them know how to have you feeling most loved, the keys to how to soothe you when you are triggered, and more!
Your 50 Chapter Personalized Audiobook that you can listen to on the go to take in your entire personalized profile.
No. The results you receive are not intended to be used as a ‘Typing’ system. Many typing systems describe our identity in a fixed and one-dimensional way. It may be tempting to think of the results in this report as meaning something about you that is unchangeable. It’s important to understand that no one is made of stone and this is not the kind of profile that will tell you that you are and will always be a particular ‘type’. Your results can and likely will vary if you re-take the Relationship Dynamics quiz at different times and with different relationships in mind. This Profile is meant to give you a window into how you are predominantly showing up in your relationships right now. It is a current snapshot of the most prevalent relational dynamics that are present in the relationship you had in mind and can be taken either with a romantic partner, business colleague, family member, or friend in mind.
No. You have the option of taking the Relationship Dynamics Quiz with or without your partner. We do however encourage you to have a particular kind of relationship in mind (i.e. romantic partner, business colleague, family member, or friend) as you are answering the questions so that your profile gives you the most accurate information about how you tend to show up in that relationship.
Yes. It’s always incredibly valuable to understand yourself and others more deeply and filling out this quiz and receiving your profile when you are single is a great way for you to reflect on your past relationships and to look at the unique gifts you bring to others and the typical shadow patterns you might get caught in. This profile will help translate some of this knowledge into action as you uncover some of the remedies and relationship skills that you might want to develop. Although we recommend having a specific type of relationship in mind so that the profile accurately reflects how you tend to show up, you are welcome to reflect on your prior relationships and will gain a lot of insights that explain critically important dimensions of your particular relationship archetype.
Absolutely. The summary and profile you will receive will give you a wealth of information about ANY type of relationship as this profile focuses on the dynamics that are happening between you and any person that you want to profile. Feel free to take this keeping anyone in mind. It will be MOST accurate if you take this profile with a SPECIFIC person in mind so that you are answering the questions in the context if what actually happens between you and that other person and what you believe their impressions are of you....AND, if you decide to take it solo, you'll enjoy a profile that will still give you all the same insights but will be speaking more generally about how you show up with everyone...versus a specific person.
It usually takes 15-20minutes to complete a 20 question test. It starts with a couple multiple choice questions that will ask you to determine whether you would like to take the quiz by yourself or whether you’d like to take it with someone else in mind and profile the relationship dynamics between you and either a romantic partner, business colleague, family member, or friend. We highly recommend you have someone in mind as the results will be more accurate if you are thinking of a specific relationship and answering from what is really happening between you and that person.
Then there are 6 rank order questions that will ask you about your gifts and strengths and 7 rank order questions that will ask you questions about the your challenges and triggers. Each of these questions has 8 possible responses from which you will be selecting your top 3 from that list and also the response you would rank last.
It ends with asking you for some contact information we can use to send you your results.
We will calculate your results and give you access to a FREE SUMMARY version of your profile where we've unlocked 4 of the 24 sections of your profile including your:
Relationship Stance & Results Table of Your Gifts*
Primary Gift & Qualities Section*
Shadow Stance & Results Table of your Shadow Patterns*
Primary Shadow Patterns & Qualities Section*
Primary Toxic Cycle Section*
We'll send to your inbox a link that will give you access to your FREE SUMMARY plus that summary will contain a link that will allow you to share your results with the person you profiled or anyone else you might enjoy sharing your results with.
In addition, you'll have the option to upgrade either to your Profile that contains more of the sections unlocked or to your FULL PROFILE + Companion Course which contains all sections unlocked along with an analysis of your results and a step by step 24 lesson course with videos, a 60+chapter personalized audiobook, remedies, skills, practices, and detailed explanations of the critical dimensions of your relationship that will walk you through your results and help you put what you learned into practice.
*The Free summary has these 5 sections partially unlocked. To acccess your full profile and course and the remaining content in these sections just click the UPGRADE TO UNLOCK button
Yes. There is a Free Summary Profile that you will get as soon as you complete the quiz that is 100% Free and there is no credit card required or obligation to purchase anything when you receive these results. You will see 4 of 24 sections partially unlocked so that you can check out your Relationship Stance, your primary gifts and qualities, your Shadow Stance, and primary shadow patterns, and the primary toxic cycle you are most likely to get caught in most.
If you'd like to go deeper and unlock more of the content from your profile you'll have an opportunity to receive a 60+ page downloadable PDF and access the Companion Course called Mastering Your Relationship Dynamics which is a 24 Lesson step by step guide to help you understand your results with customized analysis and a personalized 60+ chapter audiobook and sections that will explain some of the remedies, practices, and skills that will help you understand your results and will help put this understanding into action in better understanding yourself and others and specific things you can do to address the challenges that might be coming up between you.
If you choose to the Upgraded Profile + Companion Course you'll unlock In-depth analysis, practices & tools and remedies for some of the patterns and toxic cycles you get caught in most. You'll get 23 Relationship Practices to put it into practice and a personalized audiobook with your results that will walk you step by step into understanding yourself and how to apply what you learned. The course is designed to help you begin to learn relationship skills, remedies to help you unwind the patterns you might get caught in most, and practices that will help you be an even better partner, colleague, family member, or friend.
Here's what's included in the full Profile + Companion Course that is NOT in the partial profile ($47):
Fully Unlocked Communication Profile that also includes how to remedy the communication patterns you get caught in
Fully Unlocked Decision Making Profile that includes ways to improve how you collaborate and address
Fully Unlocked Erotic Profile that includes how to better romance and improve how you show up in the bedroom
Fully Unlocked Toxic Cycle Section that includes not just what you get caught in but what you can do about it to exit that cycle.
Resolution Strategy Section Lesson that teaches our unique Conflict Resolution Process: The 5 R's of Resolution and a detailed table where you explore your unique natural skills and skills to learn in each of the 5 stations of resolution
Relationship Skills Section that given you 6 relationship skills to begin to unlock....3 that we believe may come more naturally to you if you focus on them and 3 relationship skills that might be at your growth edge
A 10 Section Owners Manual for How To Partner With You. Haven't you always wished there was a sophisticated and detailed description of how to live you best, how to sooth you when you are triggered, how to romance and communicate with you when things are great and when things are challenging? This section is jam packed
24 Explainer Videos that walk you through the course lesson on each page providing a few insights about what you can learn from understanding yourself even more
A 60+ Chapter personalized audio book that you can listen to as a playlist with detailed explanations and analysis of your specific results.
20+ Relationship Dynamics Practices, Exercises, Practices and Tools you can develop to put all this information into use in the relationships that matter most
Discounts on Future Courses that we'll send throughout the year to get you hundreds off of the various online courses, masterclasses, workshops, and retreats we offer that MORE than pay for this course.
Yes. You can take this quiz as many times as you like. You can profile different relationships or even profile the same relationship at different times and get an in-depth analysis of your current relationship dynamics. You can do as many free summaries as you like.
If you also want the FULL profile and course on that person v you'll need to purchase an additional upgrade.
It’s important to understand that no one is made of stone and even if we do tend to have some patterns and behaviors that are consistent in all our relationships, over time as we develop, so do the relationship dynamics. The results you receive are not intended to be used as a ‘Typing’ system. Many typing systems describe our identity in a fixed and one dimensional way. It may be tempting to think of the results in this report as meaning something about you that is unchangeable, but that simply is not true. The summary reports will always be free but you will need to purchase the upgrade to receive the full individualized profiles for additional relationships..
The results you receive are not intended to be used as a ‘Typing’ system. Many typing systems describe our identity in a more fixed and one dimensional way. It may be tempting to think of the results in this report as meaning something about you that is unchangeable. Your results can be different if you re-take the Relationship Archetype quiz at different times and with different types or relationships in mind. It’s important to understand that no one is made of stone and this is not the kind of personality test that will tell you that you are and will always be a particular ‘type’. This Profile is meant to give you a window into how you are predominantly showing up in your relationships right now. It is a current snapshot of the most prevalent relational dynamics that are present in the relationship you had in mind and can be taken either with a romantic partner, business colleague, family member, or friend in mind.
Yes! We highly encourage it. There is a ‘SHARE MY PROFILE’ button at the top of your Free Summary which will give you a special shareable link that you are welcome to send to others. In addition, if you purchased a full profile, you will receive an email in your inbox with a downloadable and shareable PDF you are welcome to send to your loved ones, business colleagues, family members, or friends. Please use the share button instead of copy pasting the URL, as this special link will allow them to see your results rather than showing a blank summary.
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